E.A.R.T.H. Massage LLC #MT-24608
"Energy And Rhythm That Heals"


E.A.R.T.H. Massage LLC is located in Phoenix, Arizona providing professional mobile massage services. 
E.A.R.T.H. Massage LLC specializes in individual therapeutic experiences through energy that heals physically, mentally, and emotionally. The natural field of energy that flows through the body by skin-to-skin connection is a very healing and rejuvenating experience.
Female owned and operated, E.A.R.T.H. Massage has the hands and flow that heals you from head to toe helping you feel the benefits of muscle manipulation. E.A.R.T.H. Massage brings the Spa to you!



Prenatal*Swedish*Sports*Deep Tissue*Trigger Point*Lymphatic Drainage*Medical* and more!

Himalayan Salt Stone*EARTH-romatherapy*Sugar foot Scrub* and more!


♦♦♦ Healthy Healing ♦♦♦ 

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Stay healthy, Stay home, Stay safe!  


 eGift Cards and Gift Cards available!!!